The ARTT Catalog
Getting Started
This section includes a brief explanation of the thinking behind the ARTT Catalog, followed by an introduction to Zotero, and how to use ‘tags’ and ‘notes’ to quickly get started.
What information gap is at the ARTT Catalog trying to address?
The choices we make about how to engage in constructive exchanges around difficult topics can vary based on the topic being discussed, the context, one’s relationship to the speaker, or the platform of discussion.
While one goal in an exchange around misinformation might be to provide factually correct information, whether or not online participants accept this new information as ‘correct’ may depend on their trust in the speaker or the speaker’s sources. So, if that trust is broken or non-existent, immediate correction may not be the best response.
The ability to discuss the information in a productive way may also involve skills such as listening and require additional time or a set of exchanges.
In order to address issues of trust, different approaches to human exchanges have been investigated by researchers, and also by journalists, mediators, educators, and other practitioners. We have distilled these into a category we call “response modes.
”What does the body of research and practitioner experience tell us about the efficacy of these responses?
How is the ARTT Catalog different?
The ARTT Catalog has distilled response modes from diverse disciplines including psychology, media literacy, conflict resolution and conflict transformation, and science communication to explore how these interventions may overlap, interact or counteract each other.The Catalog can also identify existing gaps in understanding and opportunities for explorations across disciplines.
What does the ARTT Catalog contain?
The ARTT Catalog considers different types of engagement around information across disciplines, including:
- Psychology
- Media literacy
- Conflict resolution / transformation
- Science communication
For the purposes of online conversation, the Catalog distills this interdisciplinary research into different communications models and modes. These modes may overlap, interact, or counteract each other.
Furthermore, learnings from one context may not directly translate to another. Thus, the Catalog also surfaces existing gaps in understanding related to these response modes to create opportunities for future explorations across disciplines.
Each paper and practical report selected for inclusion in the Catalog describes or evaluates a method to engage in polarized online discourse while increasing acceptance and trust in expert knowledge.
The Catalog selection process includes:
- Identifying papers describing interventions around online discourse
We sought diversity based on authorship and chose papers that evaluated a unique intervention or presented more recent evidence on a contested one. - Collecting feedback on the structure of the Catalog
Three focus group discussions with area experts were part of this feedback collection process. - Mapping connections between the different papers
The ARTT team used the Cita Wikidata Zotero add-on to identify clusters of linked literature, and map the relative weightage of representation of specific areas.
The Catalog is a “living collection,” in that the tagging system reflects the themes and methods identified from the body of research at a specific time. As a result, the tagging system and the Catalog content is also expected to evolve over time, as new research and new resources are added to the collection.
As a note, the ARTT Catalog is a resource that brings together research from different disciplines; it does not endorse any specific study or report.
How to access the ARTT Catalog
The ARTT Catalog is a curated Zotero library collection. Zotero is a free citation manager that can be viewed using your browser or by downloading the Zotero app (available for Mac, Windows, Linux, and iOS). If you do not already have a Zotero account, please see the How to use Zotero section below for help accessing the Catalog.
Getting started with the ARTT Catalog: To begin searching the Catalog, make sure you have the folder “ARTT Response Catalog” selected in your browser or desktop Zotero client.
Understanding 'Tags' and 'Notes'
A key feature of the ARTT Catalog is the tagging and notes system.
While the ARTT Catalog is not intended to provide direct guidance about how to engage in conversations, it still provides researchers and practitioners with the ability to explore how interventions may overlap, interact or counteract each other.
Here are several example uses:
- Tags allow catalog users to explore the research by searching and filtering through the literature.
- Notes explain why a paper or practitioner report was included in the catalog and how it relates to the overall aims of the catalog.
About Tags
Once you have narrowed down your search for relevant papers and articles, the tag section is intended to be a useful feature that provides a quick overview of each paper.
A closer look at the tag section of each paper or other Catalog resource can show you information about the methods used, the outcomes tested, the theories guiding the intervention, as well as the conditions under which the study was conducted, such as how many people participated in the study, or where the study took place, and on what social media platform, how long the study was conducted, and so on.
All the papers in the Catalog are described by one or more high level ARTT Conversational Response / Intervention tags, but additional tags can vary.
The following image explains what each tag represents and how they can provide a quick view of each paper and report in the Catalog:
How to interpret tags appearing in the Catalog’s ‘tag’ section.
The following are types of tags:
- Study: These are papers that test an intervention or try to draw correlations through original data collection. These are tagged by Type:*Study
- Meta (Analyses): These are qualitative or quantitative papers where some hypothesis, research questions or variables are validated through the analyses. These papers are tagged by Type:*Meta.
Note: We distinguish review papers from meta analyses and include review papers as ‘toolkits.’ - Toolkits: These are handbooks, review papers or toolkits that provide explicit recommendations on how to respond. These papers are tagged by Type:*Toolkit
- Policy: Our catalog also has policy papers. These consolidate findings from different studies and make them digestible for non-specialized readers. These papers are tagged with Type:*Policy
- Introductory Papers: These are foundational papers that introduce a theory driving a response mode. They papers are tagged with Type:*Intro.
Note: These papers are in a distinct folder in the catalog called ‘Definitional Papers’.
In addition, some papers may also be tagged with a Type:*Tips. While all toolkits contain tips, some studies and meta-analyses might also contain recommendations for action. The Type:*Tips tag highlights these papers. For more information about these tags might be useful for you, please see How Can the ARTT Catalog Help Me?
Other than ‘introductory’ studies, each paper in the library is labeled with an ARTT tag that represents a conversational response mode to the sentence: “In this conversation, I could…”
The ARTT tags included in the Catalog are:
- Do Not Respond
- Listen
- Empathize
- Take Perspective
- Correct
- Co-Verify
- Encourage Healthy Inquiry
- De-Escalate
- Invite Sociability
- Share
Catalog Subtags
In addition to ARTT tags, searching by subtag provides a quick view of each paper in the Catalog.
Catalog Subtags include:
- Method (the way that an intervention was tested)
- Theory (the theory informing the method or intervention)
- Sample (the context of the research setting)
- Outcome (the outcomes a study is measuring)
Detailed descriptions for all of these conversational response modes can be found on the Response Definitions page.
About Notes
The notes section explains why the study or report has been included in the catalog and how it corresponds to one or more of the ARTT tags. This information can be expanded by clicking on the notes tab in the right hand section of the screen.
Image of the expanded ‘Notes’ section from the paper "Analysis Versus Production: Adolescent Cognitive and Attitudinal Responses to Antismoking Interventions" by Banerjee and Greene.
How to search and filter in Zotero
Quick searches through the tags can be done by choosing the “All Fields & Tags” function in the search bar.
For example:
Image of a basic search for the ARTT: Encourage healthy inquiry tag.
Or you can search the Catalog using Advanced Search.
For example:
Image of a basic search for the ARTT: Encourage healthy inquiry tag.
You can also filter through the tags using the tag selector, located at the bottom-left side of the screen. As you choose tags, the Catalog will filter papers and other resources.
For example:
Image of a basic search for the ARTT: Encourage healthy inquiry tag.
Additional Features
For an in-depth explanation of search and filter functions in Zotero, please refer to Zotero documentation.