What data is available?
Analysis Dataset Collection
This curated collection contains datasets that are particularly relevant to ARTT’s analysis frameworks: News Quality, Psychological Misinformation Tactics, Online Misinformation Harms, and Community Trust Issues.
Overall, this collection provides a snapshot into the evolving landscape of data available for the evaluation of online information. They are or will be available for use by fellow researchers and practitioners.
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Analysis Dataset Collection
Last updated: 29 April 2022
This curated collection contains datasets relevant to ARTT’s analysis frameworks: News Quality, Psychological Misinformation Tactics, Online Misinformation Harms, and Community Trust Issues.
Datasets that specifically contain vaccine-related content are indicated. This collection also contains datasets that are unrelated to vaccines, but part of the larger umbrella of ARTT research.
Dataset Evolution
Datasets are not currently being updated. However, if there is a dataset you believe should be included, please submit it for consideration using this form.
For other questions or feedback, please contact us at:
artt [dot] hackshackers [dot] com, with the subject line “Dataset Collection.”
Dataset Selection Criteria
Criterion 1: Dataset contains qualitative or quantitative content/process analysis on any of the indicators, concepts, or dimensions within the four analysis taxonomies;
Criterion 2: Dataset is derived from ARTT-related activities and partnerships focused on the analysis of vaccine-related content;
Criterion 3: Dataset includes dictionaries or codebooks that support the ARTT Guide’s analysis capabilities.